Tuesday, May 18, 2010

About the blog

Welcome to Zombie Baby Nursery. If all goes according to plan, this blog will be about movie monsters of all kinds. From zombies to Mothra, I hope to write about a variety of creatures and the films that they appear in.

So, what makes these movies worth watching, or further more, what makes them worth writing about? Well, we all have our own tastes, but for me monster movies are so compelling because, beyond their more fantastic plot points, a great monster movie presents a snapshot of a culture's current anxieties and problems. When possible, I hope to go beyond the surface and examine the context in which these monsters emerged.

But I don't want to get to serious here! Beyond all that, I watch these movies because they are fun. Ultimately, I want to create a blog that highlights the most entertaining, imaginative, and delightfully bizarre monster movies available.


1 comment:

  1. The banner photo is hedorable! The title conjures up images of the DeadAlive zombie baby! Can't wait to read your blog!
