Sunday, May 22, 2011

Ressurection and Revamp

Apparently it's been a year since my last post. Sorry 'bout that. I had other important stuff going on in my life.

...Okay that's a lie. In reality I just got lazy and was writing too much for school to want to write anything in my off time. But school's over now and while it was fun to spend a week doing absolutely nothing, nothingness gets old pretty fast. In my fits of boredom I would surf the Internet in search of entertainment, only to realize that a lot of Internet writing (on blogs and the like) pretty much sucks. I thought, "I could be more interesting than this."

And here I am.

That said, now that I'm back I want to make one major change to this blog: it's no longer going to be about monster movies exclusively. I'll probably write about monster movies here and there, but this blog isn't going to be dedicated to them alone. Instead I want this blog to be about nothing in particular, but rather about anything that interests me at any given moment. That said, I think it's pretty safe to say that this blog will rarely stray far from posts about pop culture. Why? Because (a) that's what interests me and (b) it's fun to write about.

So that's pretty much it, aside from one last thing: despite the fact that the monster theme has been dropped I'm keeping the name. I think it's catchy. Plus, zombie can you not love them?

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