Thursday, July 28, 2011

School's Out!...Almost.

Over the past week or so I haven't had the time to write anything for Zombie Baby Nursery. This makes me sad. I kind of think of Zombie Baby as being like my virtual garden. If I don't kept tending to it, it will be overrun by weeds 'n stuff (metaphorically speaking). It's the Animal Crossing principle. Leave your town for too long and upon your return you'll be greeted by a proliferation of weeds and pissed off anthropomorphic animals.

...know what I'm saying?

Anyway, the reason I'm posting this right now is just to let you guys and gals know that I haven't abandoned my Zombie Baby. I have merely been busy wasting away under the fluorescent lights of higher education classrooms. Don't get me wrong, school's cool and all, but it's a major time suck at the same time.

But all that's gonna end when my summer session ends on August 1st. I'm already planning out all the random stuff I want to write about when I get the time to do it. If all goes according to my master plan you can expect a horde of posts to descend upon Zombie Baby Nursery come August.

'Til then I've got more important things to do than write about the coolness of John Kramer or the perversity of Lickitung (for example). So on that note, I shall leave you so that I can do said "more important things". I just wanted to quickly check in and let you guys know that I am indeed "not dead yet".

Ciao. I look forward to reuniting with you and Mr. Tom Nook in August.


  1. This post is full of awesome! First, the picture! Baby one more time!!!! All the references! You know, having survived four years of uni I can say it feels worthless. Pitt at least as an array of interesting subjects. Honestly the best thing about it was you! That sounds like a lyric!

    I Await the horde of posts!

  2. Thanks! I knew you'd get a kick out of the picture. I wanna see Spun. Have you ever had butter beans?

    Yeah the good thing about a big university is you get to pick from a wide variety of classes. "Uni"! A British-ism. "the best thing about it was you" - sounds like a lyric from like a Kelly Clarkson anthem!!

  3. I'm dying because that's so true! It sounds like a KellĂ˝ song!!!!

    I can just hear it now:---

    The best thing (*background vocals* best thing) about it is you (is you *sung like you-oo").

  4. KELLY with the accent on the "y"!

    "The best thing (*background vocals* best thing) about it is you (is you *sung like you-oo")" --AWESOME.
