Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

With the inevitable passing of 2011 now behind us, I took some time to reflect on my life in the past year and scheme on how I want the upcoming year to play out. But I refuse to participate in those cliche New Year's resolutions relating to exercise and finance and the like. Instead I have composed a list of goals for the upcoming year which are considerably more nerdy, obsessive, and trivial in variety. I thought these goals would make for some great Zombie Baby fodder as they place undue seriousness on matters of trivial minutia. But what could be a greater way to plan out your life, you know?

Let me start out by describing what I'm going for here. As a mortal, I am aware of how finite time is, and I'm all about having maximum fun in the inevitably limited time I have on this earth. And being a being a human of the geeky persuasion, maximum fun means watching as many movies and reading as many books as possible. I don't want to be lying on my deathbed thinking, "Damn, I wish I'd watched Tokyo Gore Police more often". So with that in mind I'm always up for maximizing my free time and making the most of it. It is all too easy to waste hours on the Internet. Such activity provides some basic entertainment, sure, but the emotional and intellectual payoff of web surfing is minimal at best.

Tokyo Gore Police
So I try to be conscious of my free time and to wield it with care and caution as any responsible slacker ought to do. So with that in mind, I've calculated the number of books and movies I would like to consume in the upcoming year, as well as the number of blog posts I'd like to produce. The numbers are as follows: I would like to watch 500 movies, read 50 books, and write 100 blog posts in 2012. I came up with these numbers by examining how I spent my free time in 2011 and by calculating roughly how much more I could feasibly cram into my leisure time. Those interested in 2011's numbers can look at the lists I kept online of what I watched and read. Click here to see what I watched and click here to see what I read in the past year. Naturally you can simply look at the blog archives to see what I previously wrote (and why wouldn't you want to revisit my old posts? That shit is gold!).

I should probably add that I won't be posting regular updates on my progress on these goals on this blog, but those interested in such things can track what I watch here and what I read here.  I always find it fun to peek at what other people read and watch, so here's me giving back.

So how about you guys, what are your plans for the upcoming year?


  1. What a great post. I love how unabashed you are about your taste. I agree that such fitness etc resolutions are stupid and feed into the whole corporate marketing gimick to boost post Christmas sales.

    I'm inspired to write my own post in the same vein as yours in reply. Are those links that site you told me to join that aggregates your consumption of media? (Imagine me saying that like meteor as the Brits would with that extra r sound). I need to join them.

    I see a lot of "you" movies but had to laugh at "In & Out" being there. That Kevin Kline 90s queer cinema comedy must have been an "I'm bored let's browse watch instant" movie. We've all been there!

    I so agree with you about maximizing your time especially by foregoing constant internet usage. I gotta do the same. And what better death bed reflection than yours! I love Tokyo Gore Police: it's become something of a standard for us, hasn't it?

  2. "Are those links that site you told me to join that aggregates your consumption of media?" - the site I linked to contains lists of various media ("meteor", if you prefer!) You can make your own lists of whatever, and the pages I linked to were of my own creation (duh). It would be fun if you joined- I could stalk your media consumption!

    "I see a lot of "you" movies but had to laugh at "In & Out" being there. That Kevin Kline 90s queer cinema comedy must have been an "I'm bored let's browse watch instant" movie." - You know me too well!!!!

    "I love Tokyo Gore Police: it's become something of a standard for us, hasn't it?" - Of course it's a standard! I mean, how do you compete with acidic nipple discharge? Answer: You can't!
