Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Bill Gates Kills on Youtube

So I'm reading this book called Masters of Doom. It's basically about the rise and fall of the creative partnership between John Carmack and John Romero, the guys behind such computer game hits as Doom and Quake. It's pretty entertaining. I'll write a post about it later, of course, but for now I bring it up only because it pointed me in the direction of an awesome video. And I only bring the video up here and now because I know I won't have space for it later when I write my post on Masters of Doom.

The video in question (click here to watch it) is a short advertisement which was created for and screened at a Halloween party at Microsoft in 1995. As is detailed in the aforementioned book, Microsoft saw how much money computer games were raking in and wanted to grab a piece of the gaming pie. This video was created in an attempt to brand Microsoft as a viable and attractive platform for gaming.

That's the explanation as to why this vid exists. To watch it now though, on Youtube, makes for some true hilarity. From the video's corny Tron-like premise (Bill Gates running through the world of Doom...inside the game) to the terrible, wooden line delivery, this ancient piece of advertising should be unwatchable to modern eyes. But instead it's pretty awesome. How can you not love the pure surreality of Bill Gates selling his company whilst clutching a shotgun? How about the wonderfully gruesome title that starts off the video ("Microsoft: Who Do You Want to Execute Today?") And of course you can't forget about Bill exacting sweet vengeance on the video game character who dares to interrupt his speech!

Videos like this are the reason I love Youtube. I see the site as an awesomely expansive museum filled with the audio and video of our culture's past and present. And the weird, forgotten, or simply strange cultural images are the ones I gravitate toward the most.


  1. I can't but love this!!! I love that they used their CEO to sell the game idea. You wonder if they were laughing *at* him rather than *with* him!

    I have to classify this in the so bad its good category! This is not a diss (talk about 90s!) but a compliment.

    I love your assessment of YouTube at the end. It's so true and echoes our last conversation! I do love those hidden gems of quirky videos! In fact, just the other say I watched "Oprah screaming celebrity names" again. What a gem! And that people get a kick out of it besides me, albeit for reasons of humor rather than hero worship!!I can't but love this!!! I love that they used their CEO to sell the game idea. You wonder if they were laughing *at* him rather than *with* him!

    I have to classify this in the so bad its good category! This is not a diss (talk about 90s!) but a compliment.

    I love your assessment of YouTube at the end. It's so true and echoes our last conversation! I do love those hidden gems of quirky videos! In fact, just the other say I watched "Oprah screaming celebrity names" again. What a gem! And that people get a kick out of it besides me, albeit for reasons of humor rather than hero worship!!

  2. "I have to classify this in the so bad its good category!" - I agree 100%!

    I've never watched that Oprah video, I will have to look it up. I'm sure it's brilliant. Faith Hill's "Whaaaaaat?!" vid and the Britney Stoned one are two other Youtube gems. As well as those Kids Inc videos (do you remember watching those @ UIC?!)

  3. Yes the Kids Inc videos are epic! I love that Stacy Ferguson was on it, becoming later Fergie! Their take on Into the Groove is great. it was such the budget Mickey Mouse Club, and we always root for the underdog!!!

  4. "we always root for the underdog!!!"
    -yes, so true! As I joked to you earlier, if Dreamgirls was real we'd root for Effie long after she'd been booted from the group!

    Just watched the Oprah saying celeb names video- I looooovvvveee it (said in exaggerated Oprah voice). DANIEL DAY LEWIISSSSSSSSSSS! (you saw that part in person!)

  5. OMG, this just goes to show you that you don't need all those public speaking classes to be successful. And what the h*** is he WEARING?!
